1:39 AM

Joining a club, organization or association has never been easier. You have a choice of on- and off-line groups and the option to sign up for paid or free memberships. With so many options available, it's increasingly important for organizations to come up with strategic ways to market to their target audiences by selling the benefits of membership.

Offer an Incentive

Promotional items are an ideal way to motivate people to try products and services. Give away a reusable water bottle, t-shirt, coffee mug, subscription to a publication or other incentive with each membership you sell.

Promote Membership through Social Media

Create a fan page for your group or organization to promote membership to prospective members and serve as a place for current members to connect and share ideas, events, and resources. Use the fan page to show potential members the benefits of being a part of the organization. Encourage current group members to promote the fan page to people they know who may have an interest in becoming a member.

Offer a Discounted Rate

For a limited time, offer a discounted rate for all people who wish to become a member of the group or organization. Whether it's 20% off the regular price or a 2-for-1 deal, a price reduction can help motivate interested individuals to join. Have a 24- or 48-hour membership drive and promote it on the group's website and social media pages and advertise it via email.

Create a New Membership Level

Introduce a new membership level to entice individuals to become a part of your group or organization. This can help your organization reach out to a new target market and add variety to the group. Add a student level and reach out to high school and college students. Or, if your organization is targeted to business professionals, add a level that allows companies to get a discounted price for their employees and advertising opportunities during events, on your website, and in your publications. Distinguish the new membership level from the others by clearly outlining its benefits.

Host a Networking Event

Host a networking event for current members and encourage them to bring along guests who are potential members. Use the event to promote your membership packages and give potential members insight into the mission and goals of your group. Have your current members work as ambassadors to help promote the organization by sharing their experiences with attendees. Discuss your organization's community work. Display trophies, certificates and awards.

By Miranda Brookins, eHow Contributor


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